In addition to the unique design, color display is a breakthrough point, different people have different feelings colors, usually red, orange, yellow and other warm colors with bright high saturation, contrast can bring excitement feeling. In contrast, blue, green, purple and other cool color brightness is low, contrast is weak, giving a sense of calm.
Today you walk into a wine store, you can see the wine display racks and decorative eye-catching yellow color is not, nor is it close to nature, green, mostly red wine shop selling equipment used classical decoration burgundy, or with mellow brown, to create an age-old ancient atmosphere, in order to let the wine is inside this environment reflects the higher value. Exudes the smell of wine display stand with a long history in the spread environment, had to let customers of all ages. This explains, the color let display racks more features.
Of course, the perfect color match display to attract people's eyes, and the color matching must be based on the characteristics of products, such as: fruit stand, of course, is the most classic mix of green, to give people a natural and healthy feeling. Never seen a fruit with a black display.
More fully illustrated color display almost decided to increase or decrease in product sales. Proved successful display not only practical but also a distinctive look, with eye-catching colors.